Originally from Rhode Island, I moved to Tucson with my family in 1964 and married my wife Stephanie in 1983. A general contractor by trade with a life-long passion for astronomy and science, I started my journey into astrophotography in 2010. After building an observatory in our backyard, I spent all clear nights imaging the cosmos and it did not take long before I became obsessed with it. In 2012, I started imaging the night sky with a wide field camera lens to get a much larger field of view than what I could get with most telescopes. Wide angle and a very fast lens make it possible to capture the Milky Way along with the foreground. Although I have no formal education in photography, I feel I have learned much with the help of others and lots of trial and error. Along the way I have (with the company of my wife) had the opportunity to travel the Southwest looking for unusual scenery and clear skies. I have been fortunate to have my work displayed in Sky & Telescope and Astronomy magazines, NASA Astronomy Photo of the Day, Arizona Highways Photo of the Day, Astronomy Photo of the Day, The Art of Planetary Science, Spacefest, and most recently chosen as the winner of the Arizona Highways 2020 Annual Photo Contest.
I am still amazed at how many people have never seen the Milky Way. Often when viewing my photos, people are not sure what they are looking at. I love explaining to them what they are seeing and how, when and where they can see it themselves.
I hope that by viewing my photos, people will pause to think about light pollution and what they can do to minimize its effect.
Greens Peak Area 6-24-14